14 days conditioning cockfighting: Prepared for the match

14 days conditioning cockfighting is one of the methods that I have been interested in recently. This is an important time to prepare for the best physical fighting chickens and performance. Subscribe to the following article of 747live for more information about this method!

What is prepared for the 14 days conditioning cockfighting?

To prepare to enter the 14 days conditioning cockfighting, note some of the following important things:

  • Selection of Chicken Chicken: First of all, the number of owners needs to ensure more than the actual number of battle. Besides, they should be moderate not too fat if they want to go through a dedicated period.
  • Prepare enough items and necessary materials: All items and raw materials for the nursing process should be fully prepared in advance with high quality.
What is prepared for the 14 days conditioning cockfighting?
What is prepared for the 14 days conditioning cockfighting?

The duration of conditioning cockfighting is only about 14 days, so you need the most thoughtful preparation. Avoid wasting time on small problems due to lack of preparation.

Details of the 14 days conditioning cockfighting

Conditioning cockfighting before fighting should follow a certain schedule. This time is very important for chickens to prepare the best strength and performance for the match. Below is a detailed guidance on the 14 days conditioning cockfighting that you can refer to.


Chicken’s feed schedule and the menu will be rising before entering the nursing period. However, depending on the change of chickens, there will be certain adjustments. First, you should ensure adequate nutrients.

A rule in the 14 days conditioning cockfightingis not to feed the first 12 hours. Corn is the main food of stone chickens during this period to supplement the amount of protein and do not make the chicken indigestion.

Besides, the diet of chicken needs to add a little bit of boiled egg white has been chopped. This material provides sufficient amounts of essential substances during the nursing and paying attention continuously.

The important thing about the diet during a 14 days conditioning cockfighting is to feed the chicken on time. Usually chickens will eat at 7 am and have dinner at 4 o’clock. This time is quite suitable for them to digest food and absorb necessary substances quickly. You should repeat the exact time in the cycle to make them easier to get used to.

Details of the 14 days conditioning cockfighting
Details of the 14 days conditioning cockfighting

See more: How to Breed Cockfighting Roosters: A Comprehensive Guide

Water volume control

One of the important things that players need to pay attention to when the chicken is different from 14 days is the amount of water. The body of each war will contain a minimum of 65% of the amount of water showing a very important ingredient.

The special water has a great influence on Chien Chien following the intensive training regime. Therefore, when raising chickens, it should provide enough water for chicken body function and regulating body temperature.

About the first 11 days during the time of nursing, you should prepare enough water for the chicken after meals. We should observe each chicken with a certain amount of water consumption every day and record at night. If the amount of water is not guaranteed to take measures to promote chickens to continue promoting at the end of the nursing.

Exercise regime

In addition to the diet, the 14 days conditioning cockfighting also focuses on the training regimen of the chickens. You need to make sure the practice has a certain regime to train the bravery and the ability to launch the full energy of Chicken Chien in the match after the time of support.

First, the owner should search and supplement the training tools for chickens. You can help chickens enhance the activity of legs and thigh muscles with machines running. The daily exercise helps improve the respiration of chickens is also an important secret.

Besides, chickens should also alternate the rhymes that are slightly suitable for chickens. In this process, you should pay attention to the spurs carefully to help them boldly blow out without injury.

For chickens to sunbathe

You should not be too focused on controlling weight or bodybuilding but forgetting your health status. For early sunbathing chickens every day or a fixed calendar of weeks is essential.

This process will help chickens synthesize vitamin D effectively, promote calcium metabolism in the battlefield body.

For winter conditioning periods, you can invest in some modern equipment to create artificial light to support. In particular, you should limit the situation where chickens are directly affected by night dew. This can easily cause chickens to get asthma and have difficulty breathing.

Massage chickens

Regularly massaging chickens will help the chicken’s skin become redder and thicker. In particular, fighting chickens will not get moldy if you continuously massage them using traditional methods. Mold in fighting chickens occurs a lot and affects the results of the competition, so we cannot ignore it.

Ensure the barn

One of the important things to note when conditioning fighting chickens for 14 days is the requirement for the barn. Fighting chicken breeders should prepare a clean, airy barn for the conditioning process to ensure that it does not affect the health of the chickens.

You should clean the barn regularly and check hidden areas, minimizing humidity. In particular, fighting chicken breeders should pay attention to the manure for different breeds of chickens. Or you can also divide the accommodation according to the level of importance of the fighting cock for the upcoming match.

Notes when organizing a 14 days conditioning cockfighting program

The 14 days conditioning cockfighting is very important before the match to ensure that the cock has the best physical condition and strength. It is important to let the fighting cock do its best in the match, but you also need to pay attention to the following:

Notes when organizing a 14 days conditioning cockfighting program
Notes when organizing a 14 days conditioning cockfighting program
  • Continuously observe and detect diseases in the cock for treatment: You should learn about the types of diseases that can be contracted in the cock to detect signs quickly. This will help you treat the cock successfully in time.
  • Good disease prevention: The important thing in the process of cockfighting is to have a clear disease prevention process. The coop and diet and training regimens need to be implemented clearly and accurately.
  • Consult with experts: The training method should be carefully prepared and consulted with many experts in the industry and changed according to the changes in the cock to suit. Avoid not following a certain standard.

The above article has provided complete information on how to effectively separate and nurture fighting chickens for 14 days at cockfighting 747live . If you want to have the best preparation for the match, you should keep the chickens in a framework to bring high benefits!

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