How to calculate tennis scores

The way to calculate tennis scores is very special. A match consists of many sets; a set consists of many “Games”; to win a “game” the athlete must score each point. However, unlike sports such as badminton or football, where a win is an increase of one point, tennis has a level of 15 for each score in a game. Specifically, Lodi777 below is the most complete scoring system in tennis for players.

calculate tennis scores for sets

The latest way to calculate tennis scores for sets

In tennis, the way to calculate tennis scores is applied differently in each set and match, depending on the number of sets in the match. The following is the way to calculate points in a match consisting of 3 sets and 5 sets. However, 5 sets only apply to large tournaments, while in small-scale tournaments, 3 sets are often applied to distinguish winners and losers.

A match consisting of 3 sets:

Each set consists of 6 games

The first player to reach 6 games and have a difference of at least 2 games compared to the opponent will win that set.

If both opponents reach 6 games, they will enter an extra game (called a Tie-Break series) to decide the winner. In this game, the way to calculate tennis points will change a bit when it is not calculated in the style of 15 30 40 but calculated in a unit, whoever reaches 7 and has a difference of 2 points will win.

If the match reaches the third set, the way to calculate tennis points will be the same as in the second set. And when necessary, the set must be extended until a difference of 2 games is achieved.

The match consists of 5 sets

Each set consists of 6 games, except for the fifth set (deciding set) which will continue until one of the two opponents wins 2 games and has a difference of at least 2 games.

The first player to win 3 sets will win the match.

In the event that both opponents reach 2 sets, the fifth set will decide the winner.

The way tennis points are calculated in each game and the “deuce” situation between two opponents is no different from the way it is calculated in a match of 3 sets.

However, the way tennis points are calculated may have slight differences depending on each tournament and the regulations of the host organization.

Latest tennis scoring rules


The player who wins the first ball is counted as 15 points, the second ball is 30 points, the third ball is counted as 40 points and the fourth ball is the game winner, except in the following cases:

If both players win three balls, it is considered even, the player who wins the next ball is considered to have an advantage and the player who wins the next ball is still considered to have won the game. If another player wins the next ball, it is considered even and so on until a player wins the next 2 balls in a row since the score is even, then that player wins the game.


In doubles, the same method is applied as in singles. From a score of 40 all, the receiving pair has the right to choose to receive the ball in the right half of the court or the left half of the court. The pair that wins the deciding point wins the game.

Mixed doubles

In mixed doubles, there are some differences in tennis scoring as follows:

From a score of 40 all, if the male player serves, he must serve the ball to the opposing male player regardless of which side of the court he is standing on. When the female player serves, he will serve the ball to the female player of the opposing team.

A tennis match in ATP, WTA, Davis Cup, Fed Cup tournaments takes place in 3 sets. At the 4 Grand Slam tournaments, Australian Open, Roland Garros, Wimbledon, US Open, takes place in 5 sets in men’s singles and men’s doubles. In 1 set, the player who wins 6 games with a difference of 2 games wins. If the score is 6-6, the players enter a tie-break series. Scoring 1, 2, 3, 4,…, the player who scores 7 points first and is at least 2 points ahead wins. If the score is 7-7, the player who is 2 points ahead first wins. Set 5 does not play Tie-break, if the score is 6-6, the player who is 2 games ahead of the opponent wins.

Choosing an optional scoring system

It is possible to apply the tennis scoring rule without counting the advantage points instead of the traditional scoring system as above, however this decision must be announced before the match.

In this case, the tennis scoring method is regulated as follows:

If a player wins the first point, the score will be 15 for that player; if the score is 30 for the second point, the score is 40 for the third point, and if the score is 40 for the fourth point, the game is won. Except for doubles

In doubles, the same method is applied as in singles. From 40 all, the receiving pair has the option to receive in the right or left half of the court. The pair that wins the deciding point wins the game.


A tie break is a game that determines who wins a set in tennis. This tennis scoring rule only applies when both sides have won 6 games.

For the third or fifth set of a 3 or 5 set match, unless otherwise stated in advance, the 2 game interval rule is still respected as usual.

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