Guide to play Monopoly for beginners

With smart gameplay, stimulating creativity and business, Monopoly is loved by many fans. Below, 747live will have a detailed tutorial on how to play Monopoly.

What is Monopoly?

Monopoly has a card that acts as a bank in the game, all calculations and transactions of the player are processed quickly and conveniently.

This game set is both entertaining and shows intelligence, requiring players to know how to calculate and reason more to win.

What is Monopoly?

What does a Monopoly set include?

  • 1 board game table.
  • 1 mini electronic bank.
  • 4 security cards.
  • 22 houses.
  • 49 game cards, including: 4 bank ATM cards, 22 Title Deed cards, 23 event cards.
  • 2 dice.
  • 1 instruction sheet on how to play.


Similar to the basic Monopoly game, your goal is to become the richest person. This means that the player must accumulate as much wealth as possible and use the money most effectively.

Winning conditions

The Monopoly game ends when one player goes bankrupt. The winner is the one with the most money and wealth. The Banker’s computer will automatically calculate all the players’ ending positions, using the total value of their money and wealth (according to their purchase price).

If a player goes bankrupt before another player, any debts that the player does not pay will be compensated by the Banker and counted towards the final total.

New features


In the basic Monopoly game, you have to wait until you own properties of the same color before you can build a house. In the advanced electronic banking Monopoly game, you can buy a house immediately for each property you own. You can place the house on square number 1 in the color range of the cell. This represents the current rent.

When other players land on your house, they pay you rent and the rent of the house is increased. If you land on your house, the rent of the house is increased by one level.

Move houses whenever your rent increases or decreases. You can only have one house per property.

The maximum rent is 5, the rent cannot drop below 1. Unless a property is returned to the Bank to pay off a debt, the property becomes anonymous and the rent is reset.

Title Deed Card

How to use the Title Deed Card: If you are not keeping track of your rent, you can check the rent of any property you own.

  • Place the Title Deed Card in the computer.
  • Press the x button, otherwise the computer will think you want to buy it or pay rent.
  • The computer will automatically return to the default screen after 10 seconds if you have not pressed the x button.

Game Board

  • Event Tiles: Event cards, which can decrease or increase the rent, give or receive money, or cause you to go to Jail.
  • Location Tiles: Allow you to pay and move to any property tile on the game board. You can then buy or increase the rent.

There are no transactions in the game, these tiles will help you collect color sets.


  • Bank Card: Allows the computer to keep track of your assets (money and property).
  • Title Deed Card: Allows the computer to keep track of the properties you own and all their rents.
  • Event Card: Allows the computer to keep track of what is going on.

Each card when inserted into the computer makes a sound. If you do not hear a sound, it means it is not used correctly.

How to Use the Card and Computer

  • Place the card with the barcode side down on the card reader.
  • Make sure the card completely covers the card reader.
  • The computer will make a sound after each function is performed. If you do not hear a sound, place the card back on the card reader.

Pre-Setup for Monopoly

  • Place the Event cards face down on the Game Board.
  • Deal the Title Deed cards by color.
  • Deal the houses by Title Deed cards.
  • Give each player: 1 representative token and its matching Bank card.
  • Place all representative tokens in the GO space on the Game Board.
  • Place the Bank Computer in the middle of the game board.
  • Each player taps their Bank card on the Computer board.
  • When ready to play, press the “tick” button. M1500 – Monololy coins will be automatically credited to your card

Playing Monopoly is not only entertaining but also stimulates creativity and business for each player. Create an account, log in and join now, you will love it.

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